Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Scene Which Will Live In Infamy

Oh I know. It looks perfectly bucolic with those warm evening rays lighting it up. But I'll never look at my backyard shed in quite the same way after the events of a week and a half ago. There I was, happily home from work, helping get dinner ready, when I saw it.

There, sitting on the roof, was my daughter with the two neighbor boys -- AND THEY BOTH HAD THEIR ARMS AROUND HER, making eight-year old moon-faces and chatting away. Don't get me wrong. They are perfectly nice boys (one would even call our own Eric Blair uncle), but this is Kate!

Was there a calm, cool thought of getting the camera to record the moment? Oh No. Dishes Fell. Water Spilled. Windows flew open and the air filled with a most authoritative "KATE! TIME FOR DINNER!"

Over the meal, with some trepidation and fabricated casualness, I asked "So what is the deal with those two boys, Kate?"

"Oh, they have a crush on me, Dad."

"How do you know that?"

"Because they told me down by the shed, silly."

Head semi-spinning, throat gulping, I queried, "Well, what are you going to do about that?"

. . . . . .

"Oh, probably just pretend it never happened and keep being their friend."

Suddenly, I realized I did not need to worry just yet. She has that secret girl-thing hard wired -- you know, the one that lets teenage girls manage teenage boys like cats playing with mice.

Calm returned. An uneasy peace settled over the land. But I will never look at my shed the same way again.


Missy said...

Well told. Ouch it hurts when they grow up, doesn't it?!?!?

Tracy said...

Who are these boys and where do they live. I want full names and exact addresses. Haha that is hilarious! Little Kate growing up! Too cute! Speaking of cute, we still have your Christmas card up on our fridge and everyone thinks that Keegan should be the next Gerber baby. That face is to die for!

Candice said...

Your recent posts have all had the same affect on me. I am afraid.

Not Kate?! Speaking of... I would love to hear about her baptism. I am truly sad to have missed it. We are all looking forward to visiting in July!

Cyrus and Annie said...

Boys are scary. The older my girls get, the scarier the boys get. Good luck

Lainie said...

Yikes! Look what we are in for? I will no longer wish my children to be older than they are (except the boys - I wish they'd use the toilet!). Way to handle it Kate!

hannie bailey said...

I always look, am ususally giggling at the kids or in awe at the photos... this time, I am giggling.

kara said...

Yeah, keep your eye on that Bell boy...he's trouble, I tell ya! Just ask his mom!

Patience said...

Go Kate! She has got a great head on her shoulders. She never ceases to amaze me!