Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trouble Beyond Compare

I have known since about a month or so into my relationship with my wife that she was so much smarter and more capable than me that it was just silly (should have known it a lot earlier than that, but I am a little thick in the "there are people in the world smarter and more capable than you" department). I have now discovered the same thing about my daughter. The other day she used the word "retroactive" properly in a sentence. She is 9 years old. I am sure I did not know that word until my first year of law school.

Then, on top of that, she gave this note to my wife for Mothers Day today.

I did not know who Shakespeare was until I hit high school. Kate is already using him to praise her mother, and I am certain I would fumble in any attempt to outdo her here, so I won't. There are those who would say that having two women in your family that are smarter than you is nothing but trouble.  If so, I have trouble beyond compare. 

Happy Mother's Day from perhaps the fifth most eloquent person in your family, sweetheart.  You are an amazing mom raising remarkable children, working a challenging job, volunteering, cooking, cleaning, and caring for others, all at once.  It gets lost in the whirlwind sometimes, but I love you madly.


hannie bailey said...

Too funny! I am pretty much just shaking my head wondering what is going on in that ever going mind of hers! Did she tell you that lately she has been feeling this overwhelming feeling to howl? Yes, it seems that at night a warewolf is biting her in the leg and therefore she is taking on some of it's charcteristics, such as howling, running, playing outside, displaying incredible amounts of energy, and having absolutely NO desire to read anymore.
So funny. Thanks for sharing!

Cyrus and Annie said...

Kate is quite a girl...gets it from her mama, I take it!!

Natalie N said...

What a great post! Kathleen truly is an amazing woman, as is evidenced by your darling family. Kate's tribute is unbelievable. Thanks for sharing her note; that was precious.

mb said...

Well, you did name her Kate.

Annie said...

I noticed that Kate signed it from all the kids originally. I guess she realized Mom wouldn't believe that Keegan or Aldie wrote any of that. :)
She is such a darling! I love her.
It's not trouble at all to have smart women in the house. You're blessed beyond compare.