Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Power of Kate

As some of you may know, Kate has been taking Tae Kwon Do from Grand Master Kim for several months now. She really likes it, and has become quite good at going through the forms.
Every so often, the students "test" to determine if they can graduate from one belt color to the next. It starts at white, then goes to yellow, then orange.

Kate has been a yellow belt for a bit now, but today was her day to test for orange. She was very nervous of failing in front of the class, but calmed down and went through her fighting forms with great precision, speed, and the loudest post-strike "Hah!" in the room. Then came the moment she feared most -- board breaking. This time, she had to do it with a bare-footed front kick. One slip up, and there could be purple toes for weeks . . .

But as you can see from her determined face, there was no risk of that.

The board didn't stand a chance. The photo above is worth clicking on to see large. We are talking perfect strike there.

The Weapon.

The evidence -- good bye yellow belt.

Hello, orange belt!

That face is worth a billion bucks, if you happen to be her dad (don't tell Grand Master Kim that, though, he might raise testing prices!). Not a bad way to start a Saturday morning.


Candice said...

Way to go Kate!! I would politely decline if ever asked to go up against you. Congrats on the orange belt!

kristine said...

Amazing girl! I think she ought to chat with Mya maybe encourage her to take Tae Kwon Do!! What a feat we have been impressed! Billion bucks ehhh.. sure could amp up the competition! But we won't tell.. You are all wonderful! Fabulous job Kate!

kara said...

That's very cool! And how lucky Kate is to have those pictures now. Priceless.

We spent the week with Joanna and family. She spoke often of you guys, and how much she likes those Baileys! She then tried to recruit us to live on your street and complete the trifecta.