We have spent several days dealing with transitional issues (mostly related to my new company's "great if you're healthy as a marathoner" medical insurance --how does a $3000 deductible per person before benefits kick in at a 70% coverage level sound to you -- right, we have been shopping for individual plans--UGH! It's enough to make you want to move to France).
Now we are preparing for a camping trip on the San Mateo Coast and Big Sur, starting tomorrow. That of course entailed a trip to Target. As we took the cart past the children's book and video section, Alden exclaimed: "Dora! SpuhBob! Thomas! Dad, were home! Can I get down!" His tone was warmth personified, the kind infused with a profound feeling of recently granted salvation. I just laughed despite what it says about his TV viewing, and we spent the next half hour there, at home, in Target.
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