Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bountiful or Arizona?

We have some very good friends, the Drews, whose only flaw, as near as I can tell, is that they keep trying to tell us that Mesa Arizona is the place to be.  Well, to each his own, but after a short drive this evening, above Bountiful in all its fall glory, I beg to differ. Candice, this one is for you :-).  The photo above is from  our back deck, looking out over our little town.

This evening's moon rise, taken about five minutes' ride from my garage. The photo below was two minutes further up the road.

In all, I drove no more than thirty minutes from my house, up Skyline Drive. The colors were fantastic, the moon was a lot bigger than these photos portray, and my day went from dragging and energy-less with a killer cold to a really spectacular experience.  It was amazing up there.

I realize that this signals the approach of snow, and that certain Arizona types simply recoil in horror at the thought.  But you have to admit, there is a lot of appeal to changing seasons, and nowhere is that appeal more evident than fall in the Rockies.

Did I mention that this was less than 30 minutes from my house? 

So what say you Candice?  Are you and Chris ready to move?  Or do you have some photos taken thirty minutes from Mesa you care to pass along?  The gauntlet has been thrown . . . !


Julie said...

I have to second that, Brett. My cousins live in AZ (and some more in Vegas) and are always telling me how much better it is than Utah. Could they be more wrong? This Fall in particular has been AMAZING. I love your photos. What talent you have!

Candice said...

This changes everything. Before, our little banter was lighthearted and all in good fun. Now? YOU'RE ON.

And your photo skills? Meh.

Tracy said...

I've never understood the whole Mesa thing...ever. There are other pretty cities in Arizona, but Mesa? Just a city inundated with the color brown, trees half painted white, wide roads, and cactus. I'm not sure if there is even air in Mesa because last time I was there visiting my sister, I couldn't breathe when I walked outside. At 10:00 at night.

Bountiful gets my vote.