Friday, June 7, 2024

35 Years!


I have obviously been bad at keeping this blog up to date, though my intentions are to catch up and keep it current.  For now, though, I need to take a break from 2022 (my last post) for this important note.  

Tomorrow, June 8 2024, is our 35th wedding anniversary.  35 years might seem like a long time, unless you spend it with the stunning beauty that is Kathleen Moon Bailey. 

I went to order flowers for our anniversary on Thursday, and literally started crying in front of the poor young lady helping me flower shop, because I was so overwhelmed by the blessing she has been in my life. (I know, I know, I really need to get it together one of these days – but she is just that special).  She is so far beyond kind it is ridiculous; giving; thoughtful; fiercely intelligent; a tenacious fighter for her kids and all things family; the calm in all storms; patient beyond all reason (especially with her husband); and has beautifully deep brown eyes that I could get lost in for lifetimes, as well as a dazzling smile and heartfelt laugh, especially when laughing at herself, which she does readily.  

She has raised three smart, kind, funny, talented, good-to-the-core-of-their-souls’ children, who also overwhelm me by the blessing they are, and who are wonderful additions to the human race.   She did this on top of having an MBA and career in finance.  She has prepared countless meals with a true chef’s talent and skill, and is always looking to help neighbors, friends and family, whether it be with one of those excellent meals or by just being there when needed.  She is civic minded, serves our veterans, and cares deeply about our world and the disadvantaged.  Being with her and watching her has been an inspiration, and she has made me a better person in every conceivable way.  

We have been through a lot together in those 35 years. The fearsome awe and overwhelming love of being first-time parents; struggles to have our second child, which ultimately included a c-section where they discovered, after the initial cut, that the epidural did not take on one side of her body, but had to continue with speed anyway as the anesthesiologist madly scrambled to adjust; the joyful surprise of a third pregnancy, announced to me as the sun streamed into our bedroom window on a beautiful Tiburon morning, with views of San Francisco that are tough to beat; the devastating and sudden loss of her mom, so young at age 57; job losses and mutual unemployment for over 11 months right after we had our first child and bought our first house; the bankruptcy of the company I had just moved my family back to Utah to work for; and so much more.  Through it all I have learned that she is one of the strongest, toughest, calmest, grittiest people I know.

It is not always easy. We are different people.  I am the humanities and law, she is math and business.  I am faith, she is reason.  I have what I believe is an Englishman’s genetic propensity for severe punctuality and tidiness; as one of eight kids she has a more flexible view of time and a higher threshold for clutter. I wear everything on my sleeve; she is deep, still water. My entertainment is sci-fi and action movies and shows, while musical theatre is what melts her.  I am a 20%-information-and-go gut player in decision-making; she is careful, gathering as much information as possible and cogitating on the issue for a while.  As you might imagine, all this can lead to some tension at times, but together, I think we make a beautiful balance.  

And we share the important things in common:  family as a first priority above all else; core Christian values of doing unto others and trying to serve and help;  a fundamental belief in the importance of kindness, understanding and empathy; a willingness to forgive and put each other first; a love of Shakespeare, the arts, history, the outdoors, travel, and adventure; and a deep appreciation for this amazing miracle we call life and the amazing, talented people in it.  For me, it has been the most joyous of rides.

I love you more than any words can possibly express, Kathleen Bailey. Thank you for everything.  Happy Anniversary!

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