In addition to hiking in the Wasatch Front foothills, I always try to make at least one trip to Antelope Island during the spring, before the bugs get really bad (which they do out there as it warms up). It is a unique and amazing place. The Farmington formation rocks on the southern two thirds of the island are as old as the rocks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon -- 1.8 Billion years. That alone makes it worth a visit, but add in the Bison, the Pronghorn, good hiking, good mountain biking, all the birds, and a pretty regular cooling breeze, and you can probably ignore both the bugs and the wet clay-pan smells for a while.
I really didn't do much to touch up those colors - that is the way it looks. If that can't convince you to visit one evening, I don't know what will. It is an incredibly beautiful place to experience a sunset.